Sunday, July 24, 2011

Original Sketch on Ebay - Sunrise on the GULF

YUP - we are listing a few original Sketches right now while. Its summer time for a few good deals.

This one was among one of the most serious piece I created. The Original Watercolor sold last year.

Description from the Original painting -
Sunrise on the gulf is my little protest to the BP Oil Spill. This painting had to come out so i could move onto my regular painting.
OK this new painting was inspired by the BP Oil spill in the gulf, not the typical inspiration for this fairy. But I couldnt ignore it. This disaster has really upset me to the core of what we are as humans. and... yes the Bio hazard logo - is green and appropriate. The imagery is not so subtle the Fairie Characters look sweet, but very sad - man it was sooo upsetting to paint it. every time we turned on the News i saw the images of the oily turtles and it made me cry. Painting this piece freed my creativity so i can move onto an new piece of art. I couldn't do anything until i got this painting out of my system. Like getting the sludge and Nasty oil out from the bottom of the sea. How can our waters live with all that mess, how come they can get away with it? - thats how my brain felt until i put it on into a watercolor painting. This is my little way of protesting British Petroleum.

dont let this auction get away!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What an event @ The Forget Me Not Factory!

we had a ball in Ellicott City
this past saturday!

So many old friends came and new ones too, this was the most fun i have had all summer. and YES - I wore a dress, wasnt in the kilt kinda mood.

We took lots of great photos - we even had a beautiful dragon fly, stay for the entire party. he just sat on top the prints and flew from person to fae. It was sooo cool. The Bubble man, was making all sorts of magic too! If you missed up,
stop in The Forget Me Not Factory - in Historic Ellicott City, MD. You will see the magic and wonderful gifts for everyone. Young and Old!

Now I am going to take a little rest, and start painting my new piece of ART. I used to preview them on Facebook, but for now - I will hold off and just post it once it is completed. ( we have had tooo many pirates, even tho it was fun to post the progress, its best right now that i just wait til this new one is finished....)

Oh, for those of you who have asked, YES, Tiny is doing a little better, he is eatting and his weight has gone up a little. he is my little sweetie.

Thats it for now - and looking forward to seeing you this fall, and
YES - I will be @ FaerieCon as a guest again this year! ( no i am not up on their website yet... ahhh the politics.....)

Have a peaceful summer,