We Survived ...
This time of year we all get a little bit insane....
Thank Goodness we have 363 shopping days left.
Looking forward to new art, net stuff, and some new adventures as the New Years rolls in.
Even hoping for some cooler temperatures, something weird about 70 degree and raining for the entire month of December.
Maybe a little snow, some hot coffee, and walk thru the woods for some inspiration.
Peace, and yup, we all made it thru.... Thank goodness !
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Merry Christmas !

Merry Christmas,
Friends !
Tis the season for sure, you can see it everywhere.
It makes me kinda anxious, all I want, is to be kind to the people and creatures as we cross paths this season.
I saw a beautiful Eagle in my yard, just the other day, It's regal power and beauty was breathtaking.
Why can't we all be an "Eagle", in our own life? We can
share beauty and respect along the way. I do not wish for "STUFF" this year. Just the peace and tolerance to get along with others without conflict. That includes, The drivers on the highway, the me first's at the grocery store, the raccoon crossing the country road at night, even the honey bee's that invaded my barn ; )
Try to do right thing, what ever it may be. Stop the stress and angst ! Thats all I want for Christmas and the whole year thru.
-PEACE be with All of You,
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Holidaze ~
I wrote this little thought last year.... and it still applies, today.
Somewhere, in this thing called LIFE, those simple pleasures have been replaced with stress, heartache, dread and even grief at times. My wish for all my friends, & foe, is that we may enjoy this time - with a little peace and soften, settle our grown up hardened hearts. A friend this evening sent me a Vimeo, video of "A Hallelujah Christmas" by Cloverton - I smiled and remembered, it is a wonderful & spiritual time of year. ( only if we could remove all the nastyness, rudeness, and expectations)
I normally ignore Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas in hopes to TRY & keep the faith year round without the drama. The holidays, shopping and all the choas make me anxious. This season, I might try to put up a tree, turn on the radio, smile, and recall some beautiful moments... & maybe make some too.... I wish you All PEACE thru what can be the hardest month of the year, December with the expectation of Christmas.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
GoFund Me -We Cancelled this campaign.
Thank you to those, who donated money, funds etc. And to those who were spreading the word. However, I cancelled the campaign today. I was not comfortable with it. Sorry for any inconveince. We are in the process of returning the money donated. Thank you for all your support.
Kind Regards, and Thank You,
Linda Biggs
(We still ALL need Art, so get some supplies and go make something, U'll be glad you did)
As life would have it, trying to my business back on my feet again, and is a bit of BIGGS' Deal!
My request of you, my friends, if each of my followers, friends and or supports, donate $1. one dollar - I will be able to submit and honor show fees for 1 or 2 wholesale shows. The booth fee for a typical wholesale show is $2000 - 2500. That would grant me 2 wholesale shows, and jumpstart my business back on track, before it was so abruptly taken from me.
We have started looking into show registrations FEES, pricing & Purchasing New Inventory, etc. The process is a big challenge. I did this professional ART Show gig for 15 years, however the accident stop me dead, in my tracks. I lost everything in the process.
Yet, you guys know as long as I am able to create and put my life on paper - my wish and goal is to share it with all of you. It seems our story's are all related in a big circle of life. Even the people who are my "Foe" we are still in it all together.
This has been a mindful journey and I plan on taking it slow and steedy, but still taking it by the horns, cuz thats how I roll. Over the years thru giving and helping others it has inspired me on so many leverls
I just started a "Go Fund Me" page, to help with supplies, Art Show Fees, travel expenses, permits etc, tax ID's and etc. We have been closed and off the radar for a few years. The financial burden has been big, but I am bigger and determined.
Art is so important for all of us to keep out hearts and imaginations flowing ~ please share with your friends and family.
Thank you for the opportunity, looking forward to showing once again!
Linda Biggs
"A little bit of HOPE" © Linda Biggs
Friday, October 30, 2015
Relaxation Cannabis Coloring Sheets, "Get ur WEEDIES On"
"Get Your WEEDIES, on !"
Introducing, Linda Biggs, International Fantasy Artist, new Black and White Adult Relaxation Cannabis Coloring Sheets. Linda Biggs Art has been coveted and collected worldwide. Now, she introduces her NEW Black and White, "Dr's Orders".
Dr's Order', is based on real life, "Chronic Pain" sufferers. The image appears to be a sweet and pleasing, but when you take a closer look, you will see, it's a story of Medical Cannabis -VS- Oxycodone. All of the Linda Biggs ART, tells part of her "Real Life Fairie Tale".
Adult, Coloring Sheet 8.5 x 11" and 4.5 x 7" Note Cards. Perfect for any occasion, and or just for FUN. The New Linda Biggs, Black and White, Real life series of controversial art today.
We are offering FREE Shipping on retail & wholesale orders of our New
"Dr's Order's" Cannabis Coloring Sheets.
NO Minimum Order ~
Coloring Sheets $5. each
Note Cards $3.50 each
Do the math, its easy...Simply paypal, lindabiggs62@yahoo.com to purchase
Special orders and Quantities are available upon request. ( wholesale inquiries we are happy to send you a package! )
Check Out, ALL Linda's Black and Whites, They ALL have a bit of a twist...
take a closer look.
take a closer look.
NEW - Coloring Sheets
Linda Biggs Art is on Etsy, Pinterest, Twitter, FB and Instagram
Friday Contest
Happy Friday Contest On my Linda Biggs, Instagram
We are giving away a BOX of ART,
Simply go to http://www.LindaBiggs.com go to the Contact page and send us an email with your postal mailing address. We will pick a few LUCKY winners.
Happy FRIDAY, from The Fairies at
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Feeling Inspired ....
Its been about 3-4 yrs of unimaginable stress, pain and confusion.... whirling and whirling.... for some kind of answer, reason and purpose. Now its about getting back to who I am,... was,... or will become.
A Most refreshing reflection, in the last few months, Artist friends from my past have just magically appeared and inspired and lifted me up with a simple conversation, or a visit, and brainstorming about new art that needs to be created.
Yesterday - I purchased a 10 pack of my favorite paper. Waiting for UPS to deliver it. I was like a wide eyed child awaiting Christmas and now the blank sheets are demanding I create!
THANK YOU - to sincere friends who have reached out and now we are all gonna create some magic together!
We are listing lots of new items on Etsy !
A Most refreshing reflection, in the last few months, Artist friends from my past have just magically appeared and inspired and lifted me up with a simple conversation, or a visit, and brainstorming about new art that needs to be created.

THANK YOU - to sincere friends who have reached out and now we are all gonna create some magic together!
We are listing lots of new items on Etsy !
Sunday, September 27, 2015
I LOVE Fall....

Lots of new adventures in the new studio, getting it in order to CREATE, since I really believe thats why I am here! To put my silly and bizzar adventures on paper. As you can see we r all in this THING together. I could not make up the stories behind my art.... I am just not that creative.... The last little situation, was the "HoneyBEE Invasion" it scared me pants off .... but is the basis for this new little Sweet Pea! She's Cute, but the real adventure was hair raising, fist clenching, teeth grinding and most bizzar! ( Thanks to one of my favorite "Green Men" who is a bee keeper, he helped calm my fears, about these magical honeybee creatures - and gave me great advise.
I will post its progress on Facebook, as she develops - the beginning sketches are ruff and take lots of twists and turns before completion....
Not sure if she will be a black and white or maybe I will play in some paint. The painting parts are still overwhelming... but since the bees didnt kill me i might as well live on the edge HUH
Thanks for your Supports.... hope to see you soon, xoxoxo
visit https://www.pinterest.com/1lindabiggs/
We are listing lots of NEW items on ETSY!
please join the mailing lists, we will be doing a FREE FALL giveaway soon
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Thank you, from "Little Me" © Linda Biggs, latest completed Art piece.
Thank you all who have visited the New Color Website http://www.LindaBiggs.com and have supported my work over the years. My Art is now different, but so am I.
These past few years have been a quite long, a bit scary and very strange. This is the first painting I have created in 3 years. It was hard and stressful, and a little cute too. Somehow, I found the courage to create and finally complete her. Since the accident, I found myself unable to paint, unable to hold the brush steady nor hold my thoughts steady. Thats when I developed the Black and White series,
I could put the pencil down as often as needed. However, I just wasn't satisfied with only Black and White, so, I used a few colored pencils from time to time. Still feeling empty - with the Black and White. I kept trying to paint, yet unable to complete anything acceptable.
This Little Piece of Art is not like the rest of my watercolor collection. This one not rainbow, nor bright. Its a soft and quiet piece, that I enhance by pen & ink, and a little black pencil to sharpen details and edges. ( The watercolor purists, which I am one, do not approve of this method. ) I can no longer paint sharp and fine details, it was devastating) -Yet, I refuse to allow that to stop me, so I have made sacrifices in my art execution. Comparing it to my older pieces, the difference is huge.
I am still an artist and will do everything possible to create something that makes me smile. It's no longer purist watercolors - however, it's my life on paper, once again.
Some of you know my Saga and the trauma - that occurred a few years back. I can't change it.
I have worked very hard at getting Little Me, back. I will never be the Old Linda Biggs, the New one, is a bit quieter, a bit more serious, but still an Artist and still short.
Who knows what the next piece will be, or if I will ever travel or participate in shows again. But I will express myself in a visual way. Yes it's different, we all change and grow in different ways. I would not have planned this journey of growth, I have not liked it, but I can't change it -
My personal growth has been uncomfortable but huge. I will GROW, and go with the flow, be it more subtle, it's still "Little Me",
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Take a few minutes and stroll thru the Fresh, NEW easy to operate ART Gallery. This new Linda Biggs website is zippy and user friendly. Use either domain to view the Colorful Rainbow ART.
The FairieForest extension is where Linda's Vivid Rainbow World began, its part of the history in her story, it's important to maintain that as well. However, using her name is always the quickest and easiest way to locate one of her Art Images... even if your doing a google search, Linda Biggs -
We just received an unopened supply of 3-D Statues, these beauties have been long sold out. And a few boxes were tucked away in the UK. They made it safely to our new studio - the LASTS of this magnificent collection by Munro Enterprises. We are thrilled to offer them once again.
Linda has new Art on Etsy, and her Black and White .net site
Her Black and Whites, have a bit of a twist... but they all do, if you take a closer look.
NEW - Coloring Sheets
Etsy - NEW Coloring Sheets
(All Etsy purchases will receive a FREE Fairy Surprise)
Please share our new sites with your friends and local retailers, your support is and has been such a huge part of keeping that little fire going in Linda's World. It has been a long strange journey - growing like weed in all sorts of directions. Many unfortunate distractions, yet coupled with much magical inspiration. That is the beauty of this little Oxymoron... Linda Biggs
Much Thanks to Herb Fogler, and his expertise in keeping this Fairie's presence alive online.
Linda, has had, the great opportunity to work at Hunt Valley Jewelers this past year. Baltimore's, One of A kind, GIA Certified Graduate Gemologists and Jewelers. It was refreshing for Linda to work one on one with clients and customers, again. Stop in for a repair or to select the perfect gift ~
Thank You for your support -
Follow Linda's daily antics on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and where ever a Faire Might be causing a RUCKUS!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The new site is almost live.
Looking forward to the
updated Fairie Biggs, kinda like
getting a NEW LOOK !
Well, not TOTALLY, new look - you know I'll still be wearing my kilts!
Friday, August 14, 2015
Almost History
Almost History....
This website was very good to me, as time changes, I am too.
My wonderful webmaster, Mr Herb Fogler
will soon be releasing the NEW and totally improved, updated, fancy smanshy, hip
Thank you for all your support, its been a wild ride so far!
Love and Peace to you,
Monday, August 3, 2015
Coloring Sheets R IN!

Dr's Orders, by Linda Biggs
Coloring Sheets and Note Cards of ALL
the New Black and White
work are NOW available, just $5.00 each
.... visit the recently updated
My Rainbow Color website is being updated too.... many things will be retired, and lots are sold out. If there is anything on their you may want... or want to visit for the last time.... do it soon... or it will be all just a memory of Fairieness

Saturday, July 18, 2015
Dr's Orders on Etsy, by Linda Biggs

Dr's Orders
"Have you had your Weedies, today?
Take a peek... lots going on so this post is a shortie!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

and some cool stuff REALLY soon on
also a few updates on
Monday, June 15, 2015
"Dr's Orders" NEW ART by Linda Biggs
Summer in Baltimore…. Season of SWEAT, gosh it’s been HOT!
And on top of that, I've had a summer Cold that whipped me good… While I was sweating it out, I had a little extra time off from work to complete this piece. I started this piece of ART back in the winter, and it has taken almost 5 months to finish. (altho...Is a piece of Art ever finished or do you just get tired of working on it)
This New ART is titled;
“Dr’s Orders” by Linda Biggs © 2015
Quite detailed and has lots of cosmic reference. The piece has 2 little Pixie characters with lots of white rabbits, and the sweetest little Faerie Dwelling, lots of subliminal stuff.
We will be adding this to www.LindaBiggs.net very soon. It will be available as note cards, and Giclee' Fine Art Prints. ( This offer, is for Poster Print paper, signed and glittered and only available at this time. )
This Blog Post, is an offer, for an 8 x 11 hand glittered and hand signed print $29 pre order before it hits the website.
Plus FREE SHIPPING, even FREE shipping to Canada and the UK!
PayPal $29 lindabiggs@toad.net with your mailing address
Thanks for your support!
NOW... to start something SASSY.... its been a while since I created a sexy piece with lots of drama, just feeling the urge ~
and ... we are in the process of updating
www.LindaBiggs.com please keep checking back, so excited for the new look !
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Man, what a day ! Been icky sick with a summer cold, layin around whining, and look what appears at my door.. Surprise delivery from the UK. The last statues. My supply has been long sold out - these 3 beauties magically arrived. They came all the way from the UK, & I gave the fedx guy a Pepsi for the surprise. If you would like one, (not the pepsi) i have a box of Snow Queen, Mother's Love & Emilys Indulgence....paypal,
lindabiggs@toad.net $45.00 + $5 shipping total $50 each and we will ship right out . I will sign each one and send a little thank you surprise too !
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Ebay and little Fairy Dolls.....

We are selling lots of my collected dolls along the way ~ making room for new surprises, and for a few "Real Puki's" but they don't take up much room.
Selling lots of older Disney, Tinkerbell and other Mermaids and Fairies, and even a few kiddles from my years of collecting - here is one of the links, and many more to follow.
Enclosed with every ebay purchase, from "FairieForest" we will as a bonus gift, ADD a FREE Note Card, of my new ART - as a Thank YOU!
Please share with all your disney collectors ~
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Thank YOU ~

You helped me send out a bunch of older prints, they went to good homes. See, I need to do nesting and tiding before I can sit down and create New Art.
You empowered me to do so. We sent out soooo many BIG ENVELOPES, and since you paid for the shipping we were able to pack them as full as we could.
Now the new studio is clean and tidy, ready for some new ARTistic Adventures. I have been working on a piece of Art, that will certainly be controversial, and it just might upset a few applecarts. Cleaning out the studio empowered me to free up the clutter in my head.
(last night I worked for hours and watched it come together)
Also, my older, http://www.LindaBiggs.com is being updated with a new FRESH streamline look. I will post, when it is completed. Some of the items will no longer be available on the new updated site, if there is anything on the older site, now is the time to purchase it. Once the older items are retired, they will no longer be shipped.
Thats it for now -
Happy Summer and all that HOT STUFF ~
http://www.LindaBiggs.net (black & white )
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Feels like Summer in Baltimore!

I am more of a winter, however, this past Winter kicked my butt ~
Much, MUCH, change behind me, with good stuff on the horizon. I am looking forward to the warmer temperatures, called Summer. Having moved the studio again, its now in a permanent location. Each time the studio moved these past few years, it was like taking a piece of my soul and tossing it to the curb. Finally hanging up my older watercolor paintings, dusting off the drawing table, and opening new heavyweight paper.... it just feels RIGHT!
The past few months, working this new piece, (its taking longer), but I like the results so far. However, ART, like life it can take an unpredictable turn at any moment. Here is a Sneek Peek, keeping my pointed little ears crossed that it turns out HAPPY!
We have a few print ADs popping up, in places like
"Gothic Beauty" and some local, Baltimore papers too.
With that said, I would like to clear our some older artwork
to make room for my new works. Since you are reading this BLOG, that means, your part of my inner FAIRIE circle....

Also, to keep my brain focused on real life, I am working at the coolest Fine Jewelry store on the planet. Hunt Valley Jewelers http://www.HuntValleyJewelers.com stop by and see us, I know you have items that need repair, bring em ~ and stop by and say "HI" (Since I am out of the gypsy shows for who knows how long, I do miss being a gypsy/ fairie/ mermaid - I even wear real LADY clothes for the Jewelry store position, kinda like Im in drag ~)
Thats it for now, stay tuned on Facebook, Pinterest and even a little Twitter - I will post this new ART when its complete. http://www.LindaBiggs.net and
http://www.LindaBiggs.com ( soon to get a facelift )
and...I am going to start ebaying again, and thin out my doll collection - keep and eye out if lots of kiddles, small fairies and other odd dolls are ur liking....Just need to make ROOM for more ART
* * UPDATE ~ yes we will ship these freebies over seas if you would like them, we have sent out about 50 STUFFED & packed envelopes. We will be extending this one more week, by then the box of goodies will be empty. DONT MISS OUT!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I feel Spring, around the corner....
I Feel SPRING, its right around the corner, but the wind is howling and the snow is falling.(holding on to that hope, so I can keep my focus). There has been so much change. I am remaining in a positive focus. LOTS going on in my world / personal life that will eventually be put on paper. Whooohoooo ~
The past weeks... months have been like a writers strangest storyboard. But knowing that, it will certainly produce some interesting art, that is whirling in my head, I am good at that. Many of you who know me, know my Momma, has been pretty sick, for a while - but she's a trooper and doing it on her terms. I like that! I guess that is where I get my "GUTS".
This little image that, up in the left corner, is the beginning sketches, of a very strange new world my PIXIE is living in. It will be a while before it is finished, lots of transition and still needing some closure. This piece will tie together some or a few loose ends in the story... of this little Fairie's Drama.
I have found, after, years and years of following rules, jumping thru hoops and listening to authority figures, suits and uniforms. Sometimes you just have to say what the hell.... and live it in a way that works for you, the hell with the SYSTEM. With that said, in the next issue of Gothic Beauty Magazine, I have a new little "AD". for http://www.LindaBiggs.net
Take a peek at the mag~
http://www.GothicBeauty.com pick one up at your local book store.
Also, FYI....I have been learning some really awesome new things these days, in retail. Working @ Hunt Valley Jewelers, http://www.HuntValleyJewelers.com I have always love sparklie.
Years ago, making tiaras and stuff... now working with the real deal. Fine GEMS, Gold, Diamonds, and more. Stop by if you have things that need repair, or just want to say HEY. This new haven has filled a little void, as I have missed participating in ART shows ~ and all my old friends from the Fantasy world. So why not be in both worlds.....I like it that way ~
Peace my friends ~
Friday, January 2, 2015
Here's to a New, better.... YEAR!
The best intentions....
Happy NEW YEAR ~ As we all have hopes, wishes, and the promise of a new start and maybe even a chance to achieve the American Dream. I am looking forward to 2015 for sure. Personally I have endured, the roller coaster of a ride from hell, the past 4 years. So many questions and so many losses, but in the end its still me... trying to rebuild my studio, relearn what I have physically lost, and achieve a sense of peace -
I have slowly relearned how to draw again, its not painting in watercolors, like I used to do, but it is a calming start. Creating brings me happiness, whether its drawing or making household items. I really miss the magic of painting, but I can not dwell in the loss of that ability. My dream is, to one day to get back the feeling and control back in my hands to be able to paint again. But for now, that is just a dream ... so, the black and whites sketches will be my visual voice to tell my story.... for that ability I am grateful.
We have a new website, http://www.LindaBiggs.net
showcasing the new Black and White series. The older established, rainbow site http://www.LindaBiggs.com is undergoing a face life.... we will let you know when it is completed.
I have started working part time, outside of the ART world, Its been fun and rewarding, and a way to continue cognitive therapy, in ways hospital "PT" is limited. However, the itch to participate art shows again, is whirling around in my head...
All I can say, is.... Create Art, or make stuff it will help settle the Angst ~
In a time of so much stress, unrest outside of private dwellings, and in some cases inside and mean spirited people, we all need to, TRY to "Rise Above IT, and show Love and Kindness", even to those who are not our cup of tea !
Thank you for your support - and sharing in this thing called life, we are all in it together.
Peace to ALL,
The little Fairie with Big Dreams for all sorts of Enchanted NEW Beginnings -

I have slowly relearned how to draw again, its not painting in watercolors, like I used to do, but it is a calming start. Creating brings me happiness, whether its drawing or making household items. I really miss the magic of painting, but I can not dwell in the loss of that ability. My dream is, to one day to get back the feeling and control back in my hands to be able to paint again. But for now, that is just a dream ... so, the black and whites sketches will be my visual voice to tell my story.... for that ability I am grateful.
We have a new website, http://www.LindaBiggs.net
showcasing the new Black and White series. The older established, rainbow site http://www.LindaBiggs.com is undergoing a face life.... we will let you know when it is completed.
I have started working part time, outside of the ART world, Its been fun and rewarding, and a way to continue cognitive therapy, in ways hospital "PT" is limited. However, the itch to participate art shows again, is whirling around in my head...
All I can say, is.... Create Art, or make stuff it will help settle the Angst ~
In a time of so much stress, unrest outside of private dwellings, and in some cases inside and mean spirited people, we all need to, TRY to "Rise Above IT, and show Love and Kindness", even to those who are not our cup of tea !
Thank you for your support - and sharing in this thing called life, we are all in it together.
Peace to ALL,
The little Fairie with Big Dreams for all sorts of Enchanted NEW Beginnings -
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