Feels Like Summer in Baltimore .....
I am more of a winter, however, this past Winter kicked my butt ~
Much, MUCH, change behind me, with good stuff on the horizon. I am looking forward to the warmer temperatures, called Summer. Having moved the studio again, its now in a permanent location. Each time the studio moved these past few years, it was like taking a piece of my soul and tossing it to the curb. Finally hanging up my older watercolor paintings, dusting off the drawing table, and opening new heavyweight paper.... it just feels RIGHT!
The past few months, working this new piece, (its taking longer), but I like the results so far. However, ART, like life it can take an unpredictable turn at any moment. Here is a Sneek Peek, keeping my pointed little ears crossed that it turns out HAPPY!
We have a few print ADs popping up, in places like
"Gothic Beauty" and some local, Baltimore papers too.
With that said, I would like to clear our some older artwork
to make room for my new works. Since you are reading this BLOG, that means, your part of my inner FAIRIE circle....

SO, for you guys ONLY, I would love to send you some FREE ART. All you do is send $4.95, and your mailing address - to cover shipping and I/we will pack up a cool surprise box of hand signed Fairieness just for you! Simply use paypal, send $4.95 to lindabiggs@toad.net
Also, to keep my brain focused on real life, I am working at the coolest Fine Jewelry store on the planet. Hunt Valley Jewelers http://www.HuntValleyJewelers.com stop by and see us, I know you have items that need repair, bring em ~ and stop by and say "HI" (Since I am out of the gypsy shows for who knows how long, I do miss being a gypsy/ fairie/ mermaid - I even wear real LADY clothes for the Jewelry store position, kinda like Im in drag ~)
Thats it for now, stay tuned on Facebook, Pinterest and even a little Twitter - I will post this new ART when its complete. http://www.LindaBiggs.net and
http://www.LindaBiggs.com ( soon to get a facelift )
and...I am going to start ebaying again, and thin out my doll collection - keep and eye out if lots of kiddles, small fairies and other odd dolls are ur liking....Just need to make ROOM for more ART
* * UPDATE ~ yes we will ship these freebies over seas if you would like them, we have sent out about 50 STUFFED & packed envelopes. We will be extending this one more week, by then the box of goodies will be empty. DONT MISS OUT!