work in progress hope to be finished this week!
keep an eye out for the artist proofs... and yes she is standing on a $20 dollar bill

EVO QUEEN by Linda Biggs
ALSO - the 2nd ARTIST Proof of Evo Queen is on
ebay right now - dont miss her!
Well with the times as they are -
I am working on this new piece hope to have her ready by the
Spoutwood Fairie Festival - Peace Keeper above.
she is a bit over the top -but that's how i feel!
here is the WIP up top - her name is Peace Keeper,
we will have the artist proofs on ebay as soon as she is completed!
Spoutwood ~ http://www.Spoutwood.org
the Festival is April 28,29 and May 1 st its my
only local show right now so make sure to mark your calendar!
other stuff on ebay ~
Hey we have quite a few ebay auctions going on - gotta get some mermaids out there just in time for spring and summer~ here is the ebay link
See you all in a few weeks!
oxox Linda
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