I think I LOVE winter, because my birthday is in the coldest month of the year. I love the solitude, and creative time. Last week - during our 36" snow storm.... I enjoyed much quiet time and created for hours and days without having to leave the studio at all. However, I took breaks for coffee and whipped cream.
Here is a preview of the newest creation that is on the drawing board. Working on the black and white series, has really opened my mind in ways I had not thought of before, it's so refreshing.

Believe it or not, but I really do work upside down. Was never taught this way, it just is easier for me to see it clearly, focusing on the overall image. This way I don't rework an area - to death.
This piece is almost finished. Probably by the weekend. She is titled "Don't Tell Me, NO".... How appropriate !
We just received a HOT OFF the press order, of new note cards and prints. We will be offering specials on Instagram!
Please follow us, on Instagram, Twitter, FB and anyplace a Fairie might be hanging out. NEW NEW, STUFF is happening !
Thank YOU for all ur support!
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