Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I feel Spring, around the corner....

I Feel SPRING, its right around the corner, but the wind is howling and the snow is falling.(holding on to that hope, so I can keep my focus). There has been so much change. I am
 remaining in a positive focus. LOTS going on in my world / personal life that will eventually be put on paper. Whooohoooo ~

The past weeks... months have been like a writers strangest storyboard. But knowing that, it will certainly produce some interesting art, that is whirling in my head, I am good at that.  Many of you who know me, know my Momma, has been pretty sick, for a while - but she's a trooper and doing it on her terms. I like that!  I guess that is where I get my "GUTS". 

This little image that, up in the left corner, is the beginning sketches, of a very strange new world my PIXIE is living in. It will be a while before it is finished, lots of transition and still needing some closure. This piece will tie together some or a few loose ends in the story... of this little Fairie's Drama.

I have found, after, years and years of following rules, jumping thru hoops and listening to authority figures, suits and uniforms. Sometimes you just have to say what the hell.... and live it in a way that works for you, the hell with the SYSTEM. With that said, in the next issue of Gothic Beauty Magazine, I have a new little "AD". for 

Take a peek at the mag~  pick one up at your local book store.

Also, FYI....I have been learning some really awesome new things these days, in retail. Working  @ Hunt Valley Jewelers,  I have always love sparklie. 
Years ago, making tiaras and stuff... now working with the real deal. Fine GEMS, Gold, Diamonds, and more. Stop by if you have things that need repair, or just want to say HEY. This new haven has filled a little void, as I have missed participating in ART shows ~ and all my old friends from the Fantasy world. So why not be in both worlds.....I like it that way ~

Peace my friends ~

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